Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Passover 2012

Here is a photo blog of my Passover break...

Tel Aviv 10k with Gabby. What a beautiful day for a run.

 Hiking in the Jerusalem Forest with the Harkavy Clan.
 View from Kibbutz in the Jerusalem Forest, Hadassah Ein Kerem in the distance.

 Kibbutz we hiked around in the Jerusalem Forest.

Quality time with Polina in Gan Sacker, Jerusalem.

Camping Round 1: Road trip...we found the perfect spot along the Dead Sea...

Ahava Dead Sea Music Festival.

Hiking in Wadi Arugot, Ein Gedi.
Pit stop on the hike.

Amazing Views of Huge Rocks.

We had to stop for a dip in the natural pool.

Camping Round 2: Yannai Beach with the Edelstein's.

We ate like kings, hot dogs, grilled veggies, Israeli style baked potatoes with garlic and some freshly melted chocolate on our matzoh for dessert.

We took a mini adventure from our campsite to Alexander River, the home of many turtles, we were lucky to see one.

A lovely ending to my break. We celebrated Mollie and Gil's Wedding at Caesaria. It was a lovely event and evening.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Jerusalem Forest

My spring break began with an adventure with the Harkavy's (a camp family who is currently in Israel). They invited me to join them on a day adventure in the Jerusalem Forest. For those of you who have never been, its a beautiful place that many organized trips often leave out. Its the area southwest of Jerusalem filled will hikes, wineries, kibbutzim, springs and beautiful views. We ended up stumbling on the Israel Air Force Memorial, accidentally drove an 8km hike around the top of the Sataf Mountain, hiked a nice trail at Kibbutz Tzuba and saw some new areas of the country - beautiful ones and ones lying very close to the West Bank which were less than beautiful. I love a good adventure, more to come this passover break.
 View of Ein Kerem Hadassah Hospital
 Gabby and I surrounded by greenery and flowers
The orchards on Kibbutz Tzuba