I went home for the summer, interned at the Federation, helped my mom and sister with wedding preparations. My sister’s wedding was wonderful, great weather, beautiful location, pretty flowers, delicious food, happy people. I could not have asked for anything more for them.
I took a quick visit to NYC to visit some friends. It was nice to have a chance to catch up with high school friends, college friends, camp friends and people random other parts of my life.
A short while later Idan came and visited me in the states. We packed in as much of the US as possible in about 5 weeks – Chicago, Washington DC, Rochester and the rest of upstate NY (Syracuse, Ithaca, Canandaigua, Niagara Falls) and Northern California. It was a great trip, sometimes Americans forget how beautiful our country really is. A few days of rest and we flew to Israel with a 12 hour visit to Warsaw.
I am now back in Jerusalem, its weird but good. I went for a run in the park as usual and it felt so refreshing, people are still protest there (since the summer) regarding the expensive cost of living here and have seriously camped out there making it their home with couches and all. The park seemed cleaner today and I noticed more garbage cans. Not sure what happened to get that there but it made me happy. Caught up with a few friends and settling in. Classes start Wednesday for me. I am looking forward.
I will try to add a few more pictures.
I hope to write more and keep up with the blogging better, if you actually read this let me know and tell me to write more (:
Until next time…